Page 2 - 普慧2020刀把單行本(電子書版)
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              1982 年成立的台灣普慧企業,以擁有接近四十年成熟穩健技術為基礎,專司於馬達內藏式高速主軸,精密刀柄,特殊刀具的設計、製作及銷售,
              普慧不僅在精密刀柄及特殊刀具領域取得卓越成就,更積極投入機械核心領域進行研發,持續打造競爭優勢。其中可協助機台提升轉速效率 - 特
              別在電動增速器榮獲創新研究獎後。 1995 年量產了台灣第一支馬達內藏式電動主軸,為公司建立了顯著的市場差異性。

              Parfaite Tool Co.,Ltd  is founded in 1982 for the accumulation of almost 40 years of experience and craftsmanship in specializing the design,
              manufacture and sale of Motor built-in High Speed Spindle, High Precision Tool Holder and customized Tool. Parfaite is also the sole
              company of supplying the above mentioned high quality-technical products in the meantime.
              For the various machining and manufacturing in the Industries such as Aerospace, Machining center, Automotive…etc, guaranteeing the
              quantity and making the clients fully rely on us is our supreme target.
              We have been actively involved in the R & D of the mechanical core areas, in which, there is one product can help to enhance the speed
              efficiency of the machine- Spindle Speeder , this product once received the "Innovative Research Award" from Ministry of Economic
              Affairs,Taiwan. It was Taiwan’s first motor built-in high frequency spindle in 1995. In addition to enhancing the downstream industries,
              manufacturing applications and can be extended again in the future into 3C, medical and other emerging areas of green energy, promote
              business opportunities in the domestic industrial innovation.
              Parfaite keeps the spirit of challenging the technology limit to improve and innovate on the technology, also expect to lead the machinery
              industry to a new era.
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